Wednesday, 20 April 2011


  1. Who ran for public office seven times, was defeated every time, and still went on to become president? - Abraham Lincoln
  2. Who struggled through thousands of experiments before perfecting one invention and was rewarded over one thousand patents for his inventions? - Thomas Edison.
  3. Who didn't learn to talk until he was four years old and was told 'he would never amount to anything', yet became the greatest thinker of our generation? - Albert Einstein.
  4. Who was told at an early age that he had no talent for music but whose name is synonymous with music quality? - Ludwig Van Beethoven.
  5. Who was dismissed from the psychiatric society in Vienna, Austria, only to become a world respected, prominent psychiatrist? - Victor Frankl.
"Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy, sweat will get you results." - Jesse Jackson.

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